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And while you both relax, check out these other 19 things your dog really wants from you. Nature, nurture or a combination can make a dog more likely to attack. Even small dogs such as Pomeranians have caused injuries to children and also at least one … You want to pick the best dog  for your family, and knowing which are the breeds with the least bites on their record is a good way to get started in choosing! You have decided to add a new family member to the mix and you are being smart and doing some research on the best dog for your family! While the majority of dogs are loving and devoted, any of them can bite. It is important to remember that any dog can bite. This “soft mouth” makes the dogs less likely to bite. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), amazing dog-friendly beaches around the country, 14 red flags that signal an untrustworthy breeder, 13 puppy-training mistakes you’ll regret later, Do Not Sell My Personal Information – CA Residents. ChristopherBernard/Getty Images. The Darlings (of Peter Pan fame) were onto something when they picked Nana as their children’s nanny. These often include inherently strong breeds like pit bulls and Rottweilers. Get breaking news, in-depth coverage and analysis of US News; Health and Fitness; Lifestyle, Offbeat; Technology; Travel and Leisure news and more. Although many experts and dog owners alike will agree that it’s an issue of nurture vs. nature – in other words, it’s not necessarily the breed itself but how the dog is raised – there are particular breeds that are recognized for their laid-back dispositions and friendly, non-aggressive demeanors. he’s actually not even aggressive with other dogs or animals. Pitbulls were once known as ‘The Nanny Dog’, for their loyalty and gentleness to the children in their families. Beagle: These dogs tend to love everyone, other animals included. But if you’re thinking about getting a boxer, know that they grow up to be large dogs and need daily workouts. AKRON, Ohio — A new study is giving insight into which dog breeds are most at risk to bite people and how severe the injuries could be. Plus, other things can factor into this equation, including boundaries you set (or don’t set) early on and individual circumstances in your home. “That means your dog should become acclimated to all types of sights, sounds, and smells in a positive manner,” she explains. The German Shepard produced 20 fatalities in total, mixed breeds accounted for 17 deaths. Another massive dog, the American Bulldog produced 15 fatalities and are known for not liking strange company. Pit Bull. least likely to bite, in my experience, has been portuguese water dogs. While the above animals cause the most devastating damage, smaller dogs like chihuahuas and Jack Russell Terriers are known to bite far more often. Despite their big attitude, they have not been known to inflict any real serious bite. Statistics show golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers are the two breeds least likely to bite. Don’t miss these 14 red flags that signal an untrustworthy breeder. Next, take to your dog to a puppy kindergarten class, and follow that up with an obedience class that stresses positive reinforcement. And if you’re not sold yet, they’re also gentle with youngsters. “Frenchies are affectionate, playful, smart, adaptable dogs,” says DiNardo. Wednesday 03 August 2016 12:30 . As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, you may not be focused on the breed or its training. Scottish Terrier- these dog breed has been described to have a stubborn personality but also being very loving and loyal to their family, they are an independent, athletic and wise dog, these dog breeds are originated in Scottish Aberdeen and before they were called as “Aberdeen Terriers’’. Another bonus: They’re very flexible in terms of what they want to do and tend to match their owners’ activity levels. The Great Dane is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. Choosing a dog breed that will fit right in with your lifestyle or your home is a big decision, and it's no wonder people want to know which dog breeds are sweet, gentle, and make wonderful companions, especially for households with children, babies, or small animals. Shetland Sheepdog: Their bark is bigger than their bite. Akita; American Cocker Spaniel; Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) Chow Chow; Collie; Dalmatian; German Shepherd; Jack Russell Terrier; Lhasa Apso; Rottweiler; The likelihood of a dog becoming a biter has more to do with the type of owner and how that person treats the dog. in Creative Writing at Boston University and her B.A. very docile. Those easygoing ways are the result of more than 100 years of breeding that turned the English bulldog from a fighter to a super-sweet companion, according to the AKC. You might be thinking this is because they are small and have small mouths which house small teeth, but the reality is size does not matter. December 18, 2014 By Tabatha H 23 Comments. It’s better to give a dog the benefit of the doubt rather than overreact and create a challenge for the dog. A Pit Bull is no doubt the most aggressive dog to walk the face of the earth. Some breeds may be likely to bite, but a dog that has been the victim of human aggression, has been trained to attack or has been abandoned could be just as dangerous as known dangerous breeds such as pit bulls or Rottweilers. And that’s not all: These pups are smart, trainable, and loyal, she adds. Complete List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds, help avoid any nipping and possible biting. Wolf hybrids. This is another breed that ranked very low on the scale of aggressive behaviors toward people and other pups, according to the University of Pennsylvania study. Plus, a lot depends on a dog’s personal history. “Cavalier King Charles Spaniels thrive when they’re part of a family,” says DiNardo. Anywhere from 20–60 percent of dog bites are reported to come from pit bulls. Couch potato? German shepherds. Article bookmarked. In fact, one of the breed’s most important characteristics is its gentle temperament. my dog now is one, and it just would never occur to him to bite. 1. Kate Nelson. in political science from American University. “This gentle breed is known for its lovable disposition,” says DiNardo. The dog is extremely protective of his family and won’t allow anyone else in the territory. Bite risk by breed was assessed using a meta-analysis based upon a literature search for studies reporting dog bites broken down by breeds from 1970 to the present. he was bread to rescue people and to be a companion, so aggression just isn’t in his coding. So, dog bites often occur due to a complete breakdown in communication between dog and human, where there is mismanagement and / or a lack of dog–handling knowledge. She earned her M.A. Find out which dogs rank high on the sweetness scale and how to ensure (as much as possible) that your pedigree pup stays that way. Golden retrievers and Labrador Retrievers: Two breeds least likely to bite. Mostly, their behavior is down to how they have been… Linda Rodgers is a contributor to's Pets section and The Healthy. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Bonus: Bulldogs are one of the 11 dog breeds least likely to bite. So why does everyone think they are the worst dogs to own? Presa Canario. After bursts of activity, whippets want nothing more than to chill in the company of their two-legged peeps, according to the AKC. They are very friendly with adults and children and have an innate sense of obedience and loyalty to their masters. Whether it be a stranger or its owner, a Dachshund is the most likely breed to bite a human. To assess bite severity, researchers at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center reviewed 15 years of dog-related facial trauma cases from 240 patients who were treated at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and the University of Virginia Health System. I think it is important to mention Rottweilers and Pitbulls while talking about bites. Retrievers have been breed for years to retrieve waterfowl. is a big heart, especially when it comes to kids, says DiNardo. Sure, the press and media have overstretched things a bit but this dog means business, most of the time. 12 Dog Breeds Least Likely to Bite . What was important to you when choosing a family dog? Here’s another ferocious-looking pooch that’s really a mellow mush-ball. Rottweilers. Dogs like alone time just like we do. These snuggle-bugs need a daily walk but then they’re done, making them perfect city (and apartment) dwellers. Are you surprised by any of these breeds with least bites? There are ways to prevent it, but it’s good to know which breeds are known for biting. 9. Knowing your animal and when enough is enough will help avoid any nipping and possible biting. However, the AVMA also notes that these bites are less likely to be severe than bites from large-sized dogs, so that’s something to keep in mind when you’re ready to buy or adopt. But you can dismantle much of your fear of them with our Pit Bull Facts article. Certain breeds appeal to people for different reasons. With incredibly sharp teeth and vise-like jaws, the Pit Bull has earned a reputation as one tough customer. Take them out on a long walk and they’ll be happy to cart the kids—literally! While most dog bites happen because of bad behavior by dog owners rather than the dog’s breeding, some dog breeds have been recognized by dog breeders and trainers as especially easygoing, friendly, and unlikely to bite. 0 comments. These breeds are not high on the list of most likely to bite. In fact, they fall in the middle to end of the list! To increase these odds and to decrease the odds of biting, it’s helpful to get your puppy before he’s 14 weeks old from a reputable breeder (not a puppy mill), says Dr. Houpt. These toy spaniels are also known for their cheerful nature and gentle disposition (those adorable, round eyes say it all), which makes them less likely to bite and also great with kids. The dog breed most likely to bite you has been revealed. What else makes them excellent playmates and furry family members, besides having such expressive faces framed by cute floppy ears? The dog was originated in Africa and weighs around 100-125 lbs. However, it’s important to remember: just because a breed tends to bite humans, that doesn’t mean that they all do. What you see on the news is always about bully breeds biting and being aggressive. Pit bulls have a scary reputation, and the statistics back it up. While they show certain breeds of canine, bear in mind that this data collection doesn’t indicate that neither the Edgar Snyder Associates nor CDC support breed specific legislation. Training is very important in teaching your dog (any dog) right from wrong (sort of like your kids!). Death by Dog Bite from Other Breeds. These are dog on human bites only. If you opt for a Newfoundland, visit one of these amazing dog-friendly beaches around the country. According to some sources, the Scottish terriers were the favorite breed of King James VI, in fact, he made them popular outside Scotland. About Us  -  Advertise with Us  -  Contact Us  -  Write for Us  -  Privacy policy. Bullmastiffs. They’re happy-go-lucky and loving. “Interactions between your dog and kids should always be supervised, no matter what breed you own,” DiNardo says. This tends to make them less likely to snap, particularly at kids. When studying canine aggression, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania polled owners to find the least (and most) aggressive breeds toward humans and … Obviously, not all dogs from the above breeds will be inclined to attack. Huskies. Because of this, they tend to have a ‘soft bite’ so they do not damage the birds, which in turn makes them less likely to bite. Back in the day, this breed was developed for one main reason: fighting. But don’t be afraid to give your Golden a job to do, as well as lots of exercise: These intelligent dogs are often used for search-and-rescue missions and as guide dogs for the blind. ANSWER: These often include inherently strong breeds like pit bulls and Rottweilers. Behind those fierce looks (and name!) This is also one of the most expensive breeds. Beagles are very friendly and happy pooches, because of this, the likeliness of a bite from these dogs is very minimal. German shepherds were originally herding dogs, and it’s this instinct that may make them more prone to bite than other breeds. Bearing that in mind, check out our list of breeds with least bites on their records. Specific collections of data have singled out breeds like Shih Tsu and Lhasa Apso especially. Still, there are some breeds that deserve their reputation for being non-aggressive, upping the chances that your pooch will be too, as long as you put in some work. Indeed, they tend to lightly nip and drag children, which can cause accidental bites when dogs are pulled away. However, this list is a bit different than others. For example Lhasa Apso … A great family dog! So, if you’re more energetic, your Cav will be happy to be out and about. However, Pit Bulls are high on the list, followed by mixed breeds, the German Shepherd Dog, Terriers, and the Rottweiler. The Popular Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite You — and They're Not Pit Bulls Michael Roberts | April 20, 2018 | 6:38am Click to see more photos from our "Parade of Pit Bulls" slideshow . I’ve got a top five list of the breeds most likely to give you a dog bite. At least five different groups have conducted and published the results of major dog bite studies since 1966 (excluding Wikipedia whose collection of dog attack reports goes back much farther). If your family is considering getting a dog, you may be concerned about this problem and wondering which breeds are least likely to bite. The culprit is a popular family pet. A dog may be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean it won’t bite if provoked. Yes, they’re big, powerful dogs, but they also tend to be placid. If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, you may not be focused on the breed or its training. Leave your comments below! Top 15 Dog Breeds That Are Least Likely to Bite. We recommend our users to update the browser. The bottom line: Your dog is not the only one who needs to learn a few new tricks. Pit Bulls. Maybe it’s because these sleek hounds are so calm, affectionate, and mild-mannered when they’re not racing after a lure (or a squirrel). We’ll later take a look at the breeds that inflict the most non-lethal bites. Bonus: Bulldogs are one of the 11 safest dog breeds least likely to bite. They’re also playful, patient, and protective, making them awesome BFFs for the littlest two-legged members of your family. The following is a list of the ten dog breeds statistically most likely to be involved in a fatal bite-incident. Pitbull. Unfortunately, certain breeds are more often trained to be aggressive or protective. They do not include dog on dog. Breeds with least bites on record Golden retrievers and Labrador Retrievers: Two breeds least likely to bite. According to the latest findings, we don’t know which breed bites the most. When studying canine aggression, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania polled owners to find the least (and most) aggressive breeds toward humans and dogs—and whippets led the list of the least bellicose. Dog Bite Facts Pit bulls. This makes the dog more likely to act out or bite someone it perceives as a threat. These cdc dog bite statistics will show you which breeds of pups were involved in the human attacks that were fatal, from 1979 to 1998. Their eagerness to please makes them oh-so-trainable, as do their smarts and even-tempered disposition. In fact, studies show that overall pit bulls are far less aggressive than chihuahuas. Unfortunately, claims against Pit Bulls account for the majority of reported fatal attacks in the United States ( again, many of these are misreported due to a lack of understanding of dog breeds and types). They do take a lot of training, but my nature are not an aggressive dog. Like Labs, Goldens were bred to be obedient and less reactive hunting companions, says Dr. Houpt. They’re also eager-to-please and people-oriented, making them natural family sidekicks, DiNardo notes. And German shepherds are also protective of their humans, so improper socializing can lead to aggression towards strangers. Learn to pay attention to the signs your dog gives. As a guide, here are the top 12 dog breeds most likely to bite: 1. “Pugs are totally devoted to their families,” says DiNardo, who adds that these cuties are also easygoing and even-tempered. Here are a few ways to keep your pup busy when you’re not home. Moreover, the breeds that are the least likely to attack or bite are the Dalmatian, Pointer, Great … Something to keep in mind when talking about dog bites is stereotyping breeds. Contact Us - Advertise with Us - Contact Us - Privacy policy reactive companions..., Great Dane, Pekingese, and well-adjusted for life, says DiNardo may be. 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