Ultrasound is sound above 20,000 Hz. Along with training and education, UT professionals should possess the following abilities and additional skills, including: There are countless openings for NDT professionals coast-to-coast and worldwide, and there’s certainly no shortage of positions for those individuals looking to begin or advance their career in ultrasonic inspection. Surehand Spotlight: Military Veterans in NDTCarestream NDT. Ultrasound spectral analysis software helps identify sound patterns related to electrical emissions. From New York to California, and everywhere in between, there are opportunities available for folks of all skill levels. The ability to test a wide variety of materials, including many metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, and composites. They allow you to find the smaller, peskier … Ultrasound and complimentary technologies for detecting discharge activity in Electrical Systems The early detection of damages or … The inspection’s findings… An ultrasound examination of one of the units revealed a suspect sonic signature in the B phase coil. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google This includes electrical … Inspection equipment also includes an energy-converting transducer, as well as a display device. Ultrasonic testing is one of the original NDT techniques, dating back to … We scan the equipment with the Ultraprobe and because of the characteristics of Ultrasound can pinpoint the location of discharge quite fast & easy. FAA and NADCAP certified ultrasonic inspection services. Find specific points that leak in your HVAC systems with ultrasonic leak detectors. Mechanical inspection Mechanical equipment … At any voltage, thermal anomalies and sources of ultrasound such as tracking and arcing … As shown in below figure (left) : A probesends a sound wave into a test material. The Payscale.com report notes that the majority of ultrasonic testing professionals are highly satisfied with their careers, with 4 out of 5 people expressing a high level of satisfaction. Work experience may also be evaluated in lieu of education. © Copyright 2019-2021, Surehand, Inc. All rights reserved. After completing the required education, training, and work experience, students pursuing NDT certification must take a trio of exams to ensure they are ready to work independently. Toll Free: 800.223.1325 Email: [email protected], Your free software for sound spectral analysis, Learn how to use Ultrasound to detect electrical failures, What different types of electrical issues sound like, Read how these two technologies complement each other. Due to the characteristics of Ultrasound, an Ultraprobe can pinpoint the location of a discharge quickly and easily. Partial discharge/tracking, arcing and corona all produce ionization which disturbs the surrounding air molecules. According to Payscale.com, the average level I ultrasonic testing professional earns about $72,000 per year. Individuals in level II and level III positions could make upwards of $100,000, earning more than $8,300 monthly, or $50 per hour. The Ultrasound approach. Steam and Compressed Gas Applications One of the most common applications of ultrasonic … Individuals interested in obtaining a Level III certification must have completed at least two years of science or engineering education at a college or technical school, along with on-the-job training equivalent to that of someone with Level II experience. A combination of education and work experience is often required to become certified in ultrasonic inspection. Capabilities include critical flaw detection, C-scan and multi axis 3D contouring. Keep energized electrical equipment closed during ultrasound inspection, and easily comply with OSHA, NFPA 70E, CSA Z462 and similar electrical safety mandates. Ultrasound and infrared technologies are a perfect match when conducting inspections of electrical equipment. The need to utilize ultrasonic inspection in conjunction with other nondestructive testing methods, which may require additional training, equipment, etc. Ultrasonic testing is suitable for outdoor substation and aerial … Ultrasonic inspection is one such method, utilizing a transducer to generate high-frequency sound energy to perform inspections, detect flaws, and take measurements without compromising the system’s operation. As Aristotle once said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”, Working in the trades? Let good jobs find YOU.™. Inspectors use sound energy to identify any defects, using signal strength and travel time as guides. Attenuation. Used in combination with ultrasonic testing device SONAPHONE, the parabolic dish SONOSPOT detects damages that are difficult to reach or further away e.g on transmission and distribution lines. Whether you’re looking for a level I position, or you’re ready to advance to level II or III, this ever-evolving field can provide stability and job security, along with a competitive salary. An Ultraprobe detects high frequency sounds produced by these emissions and translates them (via heterodyning) down into the audible ranges. That breaks down to $6,000 per month, or $36 per hour. As mentioned previously, ultrasonic inspections are used for a wide array of materials, making this testing method ideal for many industries. For more accurate diagnosis, ultrasound spectral analysis software helps identify sound patterns related to electrical emissions through spectral (FFT) and Time Series screens. Closed-panel inspections eliminate … Ultrasonic Testing (UT) uses high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and make measurements. The fact that this method is safe for inspectors and other personnel. Thanks to ongoing advances in technology, NDT careers are abundant, and the need for ultrasonic inspections is on a steady rise. The same study lists the major influencers of job satisfaction. They reliably inspect bearings, the functioning of valves as well as steam traps and detect electrical partial discharges on medium or high-voltage equipment. The depth of the defect is determined by the ratio D/Ep There are two methods of receiving the ultrasound waveform. Our ultrasonic leak detectors can find leaks in any type of refrigerant or gas. The images produced are similar to x-rays. UE Systems has two models, a parabolic dish – the Ultrasonic Waveform Concentrator (UWC) and the Long Range Module (LRM). Inspection equipment also includes an energy-converting transducer, as well as a display device. As shown in below figure (right) : A defect creates a third indication and simultaneously reduces the amplitude of the back wall indication. Passion for your job could also make you more productive, more apt to achieve success, and more likely to inspire the people around you. Experiments are done on sandwich samples with defects using various ultrasonic The possibility of undetected discontinuities due to defects that may run parallel to sound beams. From oil and gas to manufacturing and aerospace, ultrasonic testing and inspection is a popular NDT technique that is utilized in a variety of fields. These sounds can be recorded and analyzed through ultrasound spectrum analysis software for diagnosis & reporting. When performing an ultrasonic electrical inspection, the ultrasound technician may select 40 kHz to detect an electrical anomaly (sound waves moving … That breaks down to $6,000 per month, or $36 per hour. By applying an ultrasonic transmitter the SONAPHONE devices can also be used for tightness testing … Individuals pursuing Level I certification have 1.5 to 9 months, on average, to complete the required 400 hours, while those on track to obtain Level II certification have an average of 4.5 to 27 months to complete the mandatory 1,600 hours of on-the-job training. Ultrasonic inspection can be used for flaw detection/evaluation, dimensional … An ultrasonic inspection device is equipped with a pulser-receiver that produces electrical pulses. Individuals in level II and level III positions. The assurance that the material being tested will not be damaged or otherwise affected. When hand-held ultrasonic instruments are used to scan enclosed electrical apparatus the procedure … Passion for your job could also make you more productive, more apt to achieve success, and more likely to inspire the people around you. Copyright © 2021 UE Systems Inc. Ultrasound inspection can be performed at all voltage levels (low, medium and high) and is used to detect: SAFETYUse an ultrasonic instrument to scan enclosed electrical gear prior to opening for further inspection. The Payscale.com report notes that the majority of ultrasonic testing professionals are highly satisfied with their careers, with 4 out of 5 people expressing a high level of satisfaction. Reflection and 2. Use an ultrasonic instrument to scan enclosed electrical gear prior to opening for further inspection. While some NDT methods require as little as eight hours of training and just 70 hours of on-the-job training, certification to become an ultrasonic inspector requires much more training and experience. These industries include: Many colleges, technical schools, and commercial training companies offer NDT programs, including specialized tracks for specific NDT methods. In many cases, inspectors utilize multiple methods to ensure accurate results. We have a range of instruments available from cost effective leak detector to digital tools to enable reporting functions. Ultrasonic testing can locate failing insulation components in live electrical distribution and transmission equipment. upwards of $100,000, earning more than $8,300 monthly, or $50 per hour. That’s impressive considering the overall average rate of job satisfaction in America, which currently holds steady at just over 50% of Americans reporting contentment with their jobs, according to a recent study published by The Conference Board. Stop searching. Ultrasonic inspection requirements generally include 40 hours of NDT training to obtain a level I certification, or 80 hours of training for Level II certification. Individuals who conduct ultrasonic inspections typically complete extensive training and must keep up with the ever-evolving field of UT. Thanks to ongoing advances in technology. There are two main methods of ultrasonic inspection: reflection and attenuation. It is used in many industries including steel … ACCURATE DIAGNOSTICUltrasound spectral analysis software helps identify sound patterns related to electrical emissions. These estimates are for individuals with a high-school diploma or equivalent certificate. Due to the nature of high voltage electrical equipment, any issues found using Ultrasonic Detection need to be addressed. The need for accessibility to the surface for the transmission of sound. This … Some of the more advanced instruments have on-board sound recording while others have on-board spectral analysis screens to help provide a diagnosis on the spot. Ultrasonic Electrical Inspection White areas indicate voids in this ultrasonic image of a brazed contact tip Switching contacts – such as used in relays, contactors and switchgear – depend … Acoustical physicist Floyd Firestone patented the first practical ultrasonic testing (UT) device back in the early 1940s, and the method has been utilized and continuously improved upon ever since. Men and women with 2+ years of higher education in the science or engineering field may be required to complete 30 to 40 hours of training for Level I and Level II certifications, respectively. These tests include a general, specific, and practical exam. The ability to detect discontinuities both on and below the surface. They are 1. Regardless of education level, certification typically requires 400 minimum work hours in the ultrasonic inspection field for Level I inspectors, and up to 1,600 hours to complete Level II certification. Ultrasound inspection is an effective screening tool for detecting the potential for arc flash incidents. The integration of the two testing techniques is done with an expectation to achieve accurate characterization and determination of internal defects in adhesive bonded structures. Improvements in safety procedures by using ultrasound for discharge detection during electrical inspections, at a safe distance Leak Detection Find leaks quickly & easily and report the energy savings. With that being said, the average pay rate makes this a lucrative career path. The ability to test a system from only one side, unlike other methods that require multiple testing locations. Before beginning any inspection of electric equipment, be sure to review your plant or company’s safety procedures. Small diameter tubing, wrought materials, fabricated … . An ultrasonic inspection device is equipped with a pulser-receiver that produces electrical pulses. of Nondestructive testing, namely Infrared Thermography and Ultrasonic Inspection. Attenuation involves a transmitter that sends high-frequency sound waves through a surface, in addition to a receiver that indicates the amount of transmitted sound after it has traveled through the object. Additionally, some companies offer training programs on-site, and certification can also be obtained through the U.S. military. UT is widely used, largely due to the method’s accuracy, versatility, and quick results. As with almost every profession, the salary of an ultrasonic inspector is based on a variety of factors. Keep in mind that the following information is an estimate, and requirements may vary depending on industry, location, etc. These highly sensitive, directional sensors double the detection distance of a standard scanning module and provide pinpoint accuracy. Ultrasound inspection can be performed … Terms of Service apply. The specific sound quality of each type of emission is heard in headphones while the intensity of the signal is observed on a display panel. The inability to test certain materials, especially those with an odd shape, and those that are thin or extremely small. In ultrasonic testing, a transducer is a device that converts electrical energy into sound waves that travel through the piece being inspected and vice versa. Electrical Inspection When electrical systems such as switch gear, transformers, insulators or disconnects and splices fail, the results can be catastrophic. The growth potential for ultrasonic inspectors is virtually limitless, with plenty of open positions for entry-level technicians to quality specialists and engineers. UT is not recommended for testing wood or paper products. It’s important to note that there are benefits and drawbacks with any, Ultrasonic inspection requirements generally include 40 hours of, After completing the required education, training, and work experience, students pursuing, The ability to recognize problems, as well as potential problems, Active learning and critical thinking skills, The ability to evaluate test results and follow procedures, , the average level I ultrasonic testing professional earns about $72,000 per year. When it comes to predictive maintenance, ultrasonic analysis is a versatile tool for leak detection, mechanical analysis and electrical inspections. When it is not possible to get close to the test equipment, such as for safety reasons or while inspecting over-head power lines, use a parabolic microphone. Very little preparation necessary to conduct testing. ATS uses ultrasonic testing techniques that can detect common and uncommon discontinuities caused by base material processes and fabrication. The ability to obtain highly detailed images, which may display moving internal mechanisms, thickness of materials, and any cracks and/or weld problems. … Fields that require precision and critical safety measures often rely on UT methods. There are two indications, one from the initial pulse of the probe, and the second due to the back wall echo. Future growth potential tops the list, followed by communication channels, recognition for a job well done, interest in the task at hand, and performance reviews, all of which ranked higher than salary. The ability to detect discontinuities at a greater depth than many other methods of NDT. Surehand® is a registered trademark of Surehand, Inc. Acoustical physicist Floyd Firestone patented the first practical ultrasonic testing (UT) device back in the early 1940s, and the method has been utilized and continuously improved upon ever since. Other potential limitations include: It’s important to note that there are benefits and drawbacks with any NDT method. Ultrasonic Testing. For comparison, an ultrasonic sound recording was taken … There is a culture out there, that only remembers or knows ultrasound … Privacy Policy and Nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are vital to many industries. Unlike Ultrasonic Leak Detection, cost quantification is not the main objective. Job type, company, certification level, education, experience, and location may impact salary. Signals can clue inspectors in on important information, including the location of any discontinuities, along with the orientation and size. NDT is a non-invasive testing method that allows inspectors to examine a system or its components to ensure its usability, safety, and reliability without causing damage to the system, parts, or materials. EFFICIENCYDue to the characteristics of Ultrasound, an Ultraprobe can pinpoint the location of a discharge quickly and easily. Ultrasonic testing is often performed on steel and other metals and alloys, though it can also be used on concrete, wood and composites, albeit with less resolution. A vision test is also required to ensure optimal near vision, as well as color vision, both of which are essential in NDT professions. ECA offers a fast, easy to use technique with no extensive surface preparation and a complete record of inspection. Transducers are available in a variety of frequencies … Surehand simplifies the job search process by reviewing your free online profile and connecting you with employers who are interested in your particular skill set. These should not be confused with the erratic, sizzling frying, uneven and popping sound of an electrical discharge. That’s impressive considering the overall average rate of job satisfaction in America, which currently holds steady at just over 50% of Americans reporting contentment with their jobs, according to a recent study published by, A fulfilling career often leads to increased satisfaction with life, according to. Home » Resources » Ultrasonic Inspections. Ultrasonic testing uses ultrasound technology to detect high frequency sounds related to electrical discharges resulting from the ionization of arcing, tracking and corona. You simply create a profile, choose how much information to share, and we’ll take it from there! Ultrasonic inspection is used for quality control and materials inspection in all major industries. Reflection involves the transducer sending and receiving sound waves, in which the diagnostic device receives a signal indicating the distance and intensity of the reflection. Various methods and processes are used to ensure the system is structurally and mechanically sound. A fulfilling career often leads to increased satisfaction with life, according to Business News Daily. SONAPHONE - Ultrasonic Detector for Electrical Inspection Detection of Partial Discharges The regular inspection of equipment is essential for preventative maintenance. Portable equipment, making the method ideal for parts that are large and/or difficult to move. Generically, applications for ultrasonic translators fall under three basic categories: mechanical inspection, leak detection and electrical inspection. The fact that so many UT professionals are satisfied in their careers implies that the above-mentioned influencers are likely strong in the field. The high … Normally, electrical equipment should be silent, although some equipment such as transformers may produce a constant 50 cycle hum, or some steady mechanical noises. ALL THREE TECHNOLOGIES IR, Ultrasound and TEV (Transient to Earth Voltages) are relatively low-cost instruments they should be used for Electrical Inspections. Other advantages include: Along with the many advantages of ultrasonic inspections, this method has a few limitations worth noting. ultrasonic units with a single transducer and a phased array, as well as a large-scale inspec-tion unit. Ultra-Trak 750 – Bearing Condition & Lubrication Monitoring Transmitter, Leak cost, steam loss and lubrication reports. We are experts in detecting flaws found in ingots, … Difficulty testing rough materials, because of their limited sound transmission and high signal. Distance of a discharge quickly and easily namely infrared Thermography and ultrasonic is. Take It from there critical flaw detection, C-scan and multi axis 3D contouring ideal parts! Previously, ultrasonic inspections is on a steady rise specific, and the Privacy. 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