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Ears should be at the top of the head, large, triangular in shape, and are often pricked like the German Shepherd; however, Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherds can have folded ears like the Shar-Pei. They can be solid or have the markings of a German Shepherd with a black saddle and black mask. The Australian Shepherd has a very strong herding background and instinct and the Shar Pei is a more aggressive breed that was bred for hunting and breeding. No matter its size, the Shar Pei German Shepherd dog will be very powerful and strong. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She's my first rescue dog, and she was pretty easy to train. If you have any expierence with these breeds please give your … a debate  about whether mixes are as healthy as purebred dogs, Renal cystadenocarcinoma and nodular dermatofibrosis, Prevalence of inherited disorders among mixed-breed and purebred dogs: 27,254 cases (1995-2010), Genetic Risk Assessment for Shar Pei Fever, Genome-wide association studies for multiple diseases of the German Shepherd Dog. Firstly, a Shar Pei is boxy and compact. Intelligent, loyal, and independent, the German Shar-Pei is a wonderful dog with unique features and a unique personality. German Shepherds, on the other hand, are very active, make excellent jogging companions, and require 1 to 2 hours of exercise per day. Feel free to use services like Consumer Safety Group or PayPal, and keep your … The outcome of designer puppies is unpredictable and there is a debate  about whether mixes are as healthy as purebred dogs. German Shepherds are generally easy to train, but Shar Peis are known to be a bit stubborn. The Shepherd Pei is not a purebred dog. In general, Chinese Shar-Peis only require 30 to 60 minutes of exercise in a day and are not overly active. Best Price Puppies Husky Cross German Shepherd And Shar Pei Shepherd Mix Puppies Download Buy at this store.See Detail Online And Read Customers Reviews Puppies Husky Cross German Shepherd And Shar Pei Shepherd Mix Puppies prices over the online source See people who buy "Puppies Husky Cross German Shepherd And Shar Pei Shepherd Mix Puppies" Make … This friendly pup is vet checked, up to date on shots & wormer, plus the breeder provides a 6 month genetic health guarantee for Sugar. Therefore, let’s examine the parent breeds to see how they might combine. Conditions that can affect the German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei are: Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherds tend to have average-sized litters of 5 to 6 puppies; however, litters as large as 9 are not unheard of. Akita and Shar-Pei Mix Dog Chewing Bone - stock image. As another dog with a thick double coat, the Sheprador is a 50lb plus shedding breed that will put your vacuum cleaner to the test. Happy, friendly, affectionate and full of life! Don’t be afraid to ask the breeder questions to make sure you are getting a healthy and responsibly bred puppy! Known for being intelligent, the German Shar-Pei enjoys work and thrives when it is in a family where that intelligence can be exercised through training or a dog sport. All stock sales support animal adoptions. It could reach the maximum size of a male German Shepherd at 26 inches tall and 90 pounds! Meet Hunneem! A defining characteristic of Shar Peis is their short, sandpaper-like coat. As the need for herding dogs declined, German Shepherds worked as military and police dogs. She's very aware of her surroundings and notices when something's different and she's weary of strangers. A 2013 article in the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association concluded that the occurrence of genetic disorders in purebred and mixed-breeds was related to the specific disorder, not the purity of the breed. Since the breed tends to be naturally aloof, socialization is very important and should include a range of different exposures both in the house and outside of it. She is very loyal and has attached well to each member of our family. Before buying a German Shepherd Mix puppy and bringing them home, be sure to talk to the breeder about the other parent breed. Mixing these breeds probably started within the past few decades with the rise of “designer dogs.”. The Shar Pei breed is susceptible to several health issues. A German Shepherd’s thick, double coat is straight or wavy. The lifespan of the German Shar-Pei can be quite short, especially if they take after their Chinese Shar-Pei parent. They do require a strong owner and are not recommended for inexperienced or timid dog owners. Accessed 2019. Our Puppy Search Guide helps you make the best decision when selecting your new companion. Loyal and affectionate with their owners, the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd is a mix between two guarding breeds, and this has resulted in an amazing guard dog with the mixes. You’ll need to prepare for the work of each Shar Pei German Shepherd puppy stage. With the German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei, it is not clear how their health has been affected by their parentage. They tend to have a thick undercoat and a short, dense topcoat that provides weather protection. Only a litter of two so … These adorable Shar Pei/Beagle puppies are family raised with lots of love and are well socialized with children! Because training is essential with this mix, you’ll want to start right away. The short and dense hair of this mixed breed is fairly low maintenance. He mixed various shepherd strains found throughout Germany. By clicking on Sign up, you agree to Depositphotos Membership Agreement * A large Akita and Shar-Pei mixed breed dog chewing on a marrow bone - german shepherd shar pei mix … Break up training with play sessions. The German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei is an active dog; however, the amount of exercise that they need per day tends to vary depending on the parent that they are taking after. Knowing why a dog acts a particular way is helpful to understand your pet and successfully manage their behavior! More reserved and calm than most puppies, the German Shar-Pei puppy is usually a little fluff ball with big ears and a heart of gold. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area. They can be very playful and happy, but they can take a bit of time to warm up to their new family since the breed is more aloof than others. Avoid buying a Lab Pei puppy sight unseen from a seller on the Internet. Since the breed is prone to bloat, it is important to break up meals into smaller servings and to never exercise your Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd 20 minutes before and after a meal. With the German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei, socialization and training should be an activity that you do throughout the dog’s life. While the German Shepherd is well-known and widely kept, the Shar Pei is much rarer and more challenging to raise and train. In addition, Shar Peis were also pit fighting dogs. For that reason, choose your puppy from healthy parents with health testing. German Shepherd/akita/sharpei Mix Puppy. You’ll get a good idea of its adults size and see which parent breed its appearance favors. “Shar Pei” translates to mean “sand-skin.”. Your email address will not be published. Accessed 2019. The big black gorilla like to shove her butt in … A note on payment: we strongly recommend not using wire transfer payment methods, like Zelle, due to having fewer safety features. In addition to training and socialization, a German Shepherd Shar Pei will need daily walks for exercise. All Rights Reserved. A perfect blend of both the Chinese Shar-Pei and German Shepherd, the German Shar-Pei is a hard-working breed that can fit into any dwelling as a calm and constant companion. If you do not want adult dogs on the furniture, then do not allow your puppy on the furniture when they are young to prevent challenges when your German Shar-Pei grows up. Feb 2, 2014 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Article by imgur. Discover (and save!) We’ve had him since the age of 8 months. Once she got home and settled in, she became more rambunctious. They can do okay with kids but are better suited to homes with older children. Both parents have excellent temperaments, kind and loyal. The German Shar Pei is a mix of the German Shepherd and the Chinese Shar Pei. At the time we had an older Papillon Chihuahua mix, that has since passed on. Washing is very easy as the breed only requires a bath every few months and can be kept clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth every week or so. If your dog has a serious issue contact a professional to help you. A Shar Pei is best described as an antisocial watchdog. Given how intelligent the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever are, you can expect this hybrid to be just as intelligent – if not more! This mix might not result in a very playful dog, but every dog is different. For that reason, a firm owner is needed that provides consistent rules and training. Would mixing a Shar Pei with a German Shepherd result in a better family companion? They do enjoy working; however, they tend to like it more when they it is something that they want to do. Email Seller. It is usually tan, and it may have markings similar to its German Shepherd parent. This breed definitely needs to be the leader of the pack and would probably do well with being the only male dog in the family. Health problems specific to the Shar Pei German Shepherd mix are not well-documented yet. Dog Shock Collar – New Research Adds To Evidence That They Don’t Work, Eye problems such as cherry eye, entropion, or chemosis, Allergies such as dermatitis, inhalant allergies, and food allergies, A lot of time and patience may be needed to train and socialize them, Possible temperament and family companion challenges. Fortunately, some Shar Peis survived this era. animal adoptions, sales support, stock sales, animal … Moreover, they’re used as guide dogs and for search and rescue. The German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei is an easy to groom breed that requires brushing once or twice a week. We have a German Shar-Pei that was rescued from a high kill shelter in Georgia. However, decades of selective breeding for desirable physical traits has resulted in numerous health issues. They’re territorial and protective of their family, and also very intelligent. Training the German Shar-Pei can be a difficult task considering that the breed is intelligent and independent. They may have a mask, brindle white markings, or tan or white cream points. Here some common health issues in the breed: A thorough list of German Shepherd health concerns can be found here. If you keep up with training and socializing your German Shar-Pei puppy, you are sure to build an amazing bond with your furry pet in no time and truly see the playful, loyal and affectionate beyond that initial aloofness. The Club recommends screening for the following: In general, German Shepherds are healthy dogs. She is a Cocker Spaniel and Shar Pei mix. We provide informational articles that are intended to help answer a question you may have. Contact the Seller. On average, a German Shar-Pei’s lifespan is between 8 to 12 years. Bristol is an adorable mix of Sharpei and beagle. Farmers used Shar Peis as hunters, herders, and livestock guardians. Treats can be given daily and can include fruits, vegetables, meat, and dog treats. Sign up with E-mail. The German Shepherd Poodle Mix aka the Shepadoodle, All About The German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix, All About the German Shepherd Lab Mix aka the Sheprador, Where to Find Australian Labradoodle Puppies for Sale, Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd Appearance, German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei Grooming, Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd Personality and Temperament, German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei Health Problems, Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd Litter Size, German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei Suitability, Close Relatives of the German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Pei, All About the English Mastiff Pitbull Mix, The Schnauzer Poodle Mix aka the Schnoodle. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of … If it has the loose skin and wrinkles of the Shar Pei parent, you’ll need to keep that skin clean and dry. The history of the German Shepherd Shar Pei mix is not well known. The breed can do very well on RAW, but it is important to make sure that your dog receives the right variety of food if you feed RAW. You’ll want to know about that breed’s temperament and whether or not they tend to be good with children before making your decision. Some are unique to the breed: These are just a few of the health risks associated with Shar Peis. The average is a short coat that lies close to the body. This is a dog that tends to be loving and very affectionate with members of his family while being suspicious and aloof with strangers, which makes them excellent as guard dogs. Required fields are marked *. He is a little aggressive which makes taking him for walks very challenging as he wants to maul everything and everyone he sees (I think he is territorial and wants to protect me). In contrast, a German Shepherd’s body is streamlined and athletic. Consequently, a combo of a German Shepherd and Shar Pei can take on any of these features. However, smaller dogs are more common. They take their guarding seriously and will not only bark at something suspicious but also defend their family and property if there is a threat. Why Do Puppies Cry At Night – How To Restore The Peace, What Is A Halti? Our Puppy Care Guides can help you through each developmental stage and guide you through training and socialization at a young age. In short, if you’re looking for a devoted and protective watchdog, this mix can fill that role. German Shepherd Dog Club of America. Meet Hunneem My 7 Month Old German Shepherd Shar Pei Mix He S Akita And Shar Pei Mix Dog Stock Photo C Adogslifephoto 10970989 Female Labrador Retriever Chinese Shar Pei Mixed Short Coat Sharp Eagle Shar Pei X Beagle Mix Info Temperament Puppies What Does A Mastiff Shar Pei Mix Look Like What Is The Mix Called Henry Large Male Great Dane X Shar Pei Mix … Advertise, Sell, Buy and Rehome Shar Pei Dogs and Puppies with Pets4homes 18. The German Shar-Pei is a fairly new cross, and there hasn’t been a lot of information put out about them. However, there are a few things to note. WE JUST RESCUED A GERMAN SHAR-PEI FROM THE MARIETTA OHIO ANIMAL SHELTER AND THIS IS EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE THANK YOU!! They can do okay as jogging companions; however, if they have a Shar-Pei muzzle, they are more prone to heat exhaustion and should be exercised during the cooler periods of the day. Overall, the breed is strong-willed, but they love pleasing their owners and spending time with them, so, with the proper home, the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd can be a wonderful companion. In addition to conformation-related issues, German Shepherds are susceptible to other disorders. Chinese Shar Pei Club of America. The breed should be athletic and should have the appearance of a powerful working dog. Depending on the coat type of the parents, the coat can range from short and brush-like to long with feathering on the back of the legs. The muzzle of the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd should be thick and rounded like their Shar-Pei parent. German Shepherd .. It comes in 1 of 11 color combinations of white, sable, liver, gray, blue, and black. Screening tests, proper veterinary care, exercise, and a healthy diet help a Shar Pei German Shepherd live a long, happy life. They should be offered water throughout the day. German Shar-Peis can do very well in any type of dwelling from apartments to homes with acreage. There aren’t specific rescue organizations for Shar Pei German Shepherds but searching at ones that specialize in the parent breeds is a good starting point. The German Shepherd Shar Pei is an unpredictable mix, usually best left to experienced dog owners. Our Dog Training Guides provide helpful information from our experts! The Shar Pei German Shepherd mix dog combines two medium-large dog breeds. There are many things to love about a German Shepherd Shar Pei pup, but you will find them to be a challenging family companion. They tend to be very loyal to their family, but both parent breeds are reserved and distrustful of strangers, and this has resulted in the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd being aloof and guarded with new people. Train for short intervals to keep the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd interested in training and use firm commands. The eyes should be hazel shaped and a dark brown. Despite being a large breed, the Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd does not eat large amounts. Because training is essential with this mix, you’ll want to start right away. 1 year ago; For Sale; Dogs; Mixed Breed; South Ockendon . We socialized him well with our other 5 dogs, that range in size from very small to medium size and although he is fine with the small dogs, he is very aggressive with out medium sized, much older, male dog. "This is Luna as a 4-month-old puppy. There are a few different breeds that are closely similar to this mixed breed. £550. Their personality traits stem from their history as fighting dogs and should not necessarily be considered negative. The truth is, there are health risks associated with both purebred and mixed puppies. Designer dogs differ from mutts because parents are specifically chosen for desirable traits. We are pretty sure she is a shar pei German shepherd mix she is around 33 pounds right now and 5 months old, she's a very lovely dog! The result is a versatile dog that does well in a range of dog activities, although they do have a stubborn streak, making them not the ideal breed for inexperienced owners. #12 Shepherd Pei (Shar-Pei x German Shepherd mix) #13 Frenchie-Pei (Shar-Pei x French Bulldog mix) #14 Sharmatian (Shar-Pei x Dalmatian mix) #15 Cocker-Pei (Shar-Pei x Cocker Spaniel mix) #16 Clumber Pei (Shar-Pei x Clumber Spaniel mix) #17 Chow Pei (Shar-Pei x Chow Chow) #18 Bull-Pei (Shar-Pei x Bulldog mix) #19 Griffon-Pei (Shar-Pei x Brussels Griffon mix) #20 Box-a-Shar (Shar-Pei … Homes with small children, other dogs, and other pets might cause behavioral issues, as the parent breeds are innately watchful and protective. You’ll need to be consistent and patient throughout the process. He is a really big boy at just over a year old, with an intelligent face and oh so keen to learn cool tricks. The puppies have predominantly Shar Pei features and characteristics with the black saddle marking on their backs from the German Shepherd. In the late 1800s, Captain Max von Stephanitz wanted to create the ultimate herding dog. Both mum and dad are KC registered. The breed’s history—and nearly the breed itself—disappeared with the establishment of The People’s Republic of China in 1949 and subsequent dog extermination. Why Do Puppies Wake So Early In The Morning? One is medium while the other is large. Report. We usually don’t keep her on a leash but recently put up an … My 7 month old German Shepherd Shar pei mix, he's quite unique ;) ... My 7 month old German Shepherd Shar pei mix, he's quite unique ;) 2413 votes and 34995 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet. The puppies tend to be as stubborn as the adults, so it is important to set rules as soon as your German Shar-Pei puppy arrives home. German Shepherds are also protective, as well as loyal and confident. You’ll need to gauge what type of exercise and mental stimulation your German Shepherd Shar Pei prefers. Apr 4, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Cornelia Nawrath. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. They can be prone to ear infections, especially with the drop ears like the Shar-Pei parent, so it is important to check ears regularly and to also brush their teeth weekly. On average, 1.5 to 2.5 cups of a high-quality dry kibble will meet the calorie needs of your German Shar-Pei. As a result, the coat of a German Shepherd Shar Pei will be short to medium and not as harsh in texture as the Shar Pei’s coat. Overall, size can vary a lot between the mix with German Shepherd Chinese Shar-Peis ranging from between 18 to 26 inches in height and 45 to 90 pounds in weight. Important Please note that this advert has been closed and the pet is no longer available. A German Shepherd is 22 to 26 inches tall and weighs 50 to 90 pounds. he’s incredibly smart and loves tennis balls! Can You Use A Spray Bottle To Train A Dog? Why Do German Shepherd Puppies Bite So Much? Physically, they look like a shepherd with the Golden’s signature gold coat.. They’re known for having playful traits as well as having a mind of their own. The breed is still relatively unknown, and there are no known breeders who are creating pairings between F1 or F2 generations; however, as more become familiar with this breed, directed breeding may begin. The large-sized breed of dog is the result of crossing the German Shepherd with the Chinese Shar-Pei. Share. The Pros And Cons Of The Halti Head Harness. The parents are the 3rd … In addition to the popular mixes mentioned above, the Shar-Pei is crossed with purebreds like the Bullmastiff, Chihuahua, Welsh Corgi, Great Dane, Dachshund, French Bulldog, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Cane Corso, Doberman Pinscher, Shiba Inu, … The Shar Pei Chow Chow mix is another of our Shar Pei mixes that may be banned in some regions. August 28, 2019 By //  by Tiffany Dazet Leave a Comment. Secondly, its face and body feature loose skin and deep-set skin wrinkles, which the breed is famous for. Copyright © 2021 Dogable. With that in mind, expect your Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd to require about an hour of exercise. The Shar Pei Australian Shepherd Mix, is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Australian Shepherd and the Shar Pei. German Shepherd Chinese Shar Pei Mix. German Shar-Pei puppies tend to have droopy ears that may go into a full pricked ear when they get older. With color, the German Shar-Pei is usually tan in color. You can brush them weekly and bathe them monthly to keep a German Shepherd Shar Pei’s coat healthy. If you’re not interested in dedicating time to properly train a German Shepherd Shar Pei mix, you should consider another breed. During this time, be sure to check the ear regularly to catch any ear infections. One popular thing about German Shepherd is that a lot of people love them. Member since Sep 2018 n/a n/a. The German Shepherd Club of America recommends screening for the following: A well-cared-for German Shepherd Shar Pei can live 7 to 12 years. They … As its name suggests, the German Shepherd breed originated in Germany. They can be a bit aggressive, especially if they are not properly socialized and trained, but even with proper socialization and training, they are a guarding dog and tend to be very suspicious of strangers. I couldn’t ask for a more loyal and loving dog. A responsible breeder screens parent dogs for inheritable health problems. 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