virtual critical thinking team building activities for adults

Break your team into groups of equal members. Can read each other's body language and facial cues, which builds trust and connections between teams. This is a fun activity to get to know each other a bit better and bond through laughter. ... such as highly specific routines and activities are critical for managing energy and building resilience. It is important to note that this team building activity can only really do with teams that work in the same city or country, or if you have the funds to pay for this sort of activity (hence why it is so low down on our list). Fully Hosted Virtual Halloween Party 👻 We created a Virtual Halloween Party event that remote … Similarly, research has found that employees who worked from home reported “higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced levels of burnout and psychological stress.”. Too often as adults, we are steadfast and strong in our already formed, accepted, and practiced beliefs. When you work remotely it is hard to have weekly pub trivia nights where your team grabs a pint and participates at your local bars weekly trivia. The villagers must help him come up with a solution. One solution is to use some special innovation activities to help your teams “think outside the box” and be more creative. As well as saying a picture says a thousands words, they also say that laughter is the best medicine. 10 Team-Building Games That Promote Collaborative Critical Thinking. The night before a video conference call, get all remote team members to write down two true facts and one lie about themselves, Make sure these are personal anecdotes, not work related things, Once they have said them, everyone goes round and says which ones they think are the truths and what is the lie. You can either send them a gift card or send them one via a delivery app. Ten of the best no-prop, interactive ‘get-to-know-you’ games & activities. For each suggestion, ensure that all participants have a similar understanding of every idea. If only one person is barefoot or wearing socks then that person gets 3 points and no-one else gets any points. The instructions are actually really quite simple. Lego isn’t just about fun and games. One person plays the role of the farmer and the other team members are the villagers. Have your team divide into smaller groups and ask them for 10 minutes to come up with a list of 10 things they have in common. Before the meeting, send out a current news story for the team to read. Before your next team meeting, have everyone break up into teams and present a list of materials, tools, items that they can choose to bring with them to a deserted island together. You can take advantage of a tool like QuizBreaker to send your team fun icebreaker quiz questions on a set schedule via email, and then everybody can guess which answer belongs to who. It also helps people feel connected and generally can help brighten anyone’s mood. Create a “virtual” snap cup using an email or google doc. Our point is that there’s something about regularly meeting up with a group of people to discuss something that all of you enjoy. This is a great activity for your team to learn from one another. Using the icebreaker answers from your team. Objective: To get everyone to know each other's preferences and spark discussion. Create a list of statements. Every week choose one colleague to present their office space and their house/apartment. Everyone has 1 to 1.5 minutes to guess what player one is saying, to make it a bit easier you can choose a topic or a theme. Encourage engagement by allowing your team to comment or ask questions. In this improvisational team building game (also called PowerPoint roulette or Battledecks), each person presents a slideshow to an audience without knowing the contents of the slides. Come up with a list of 10-15 songs your team has bonded over. Try and avoid talking about work and just get everyone catching up. virtual Halloween activities for adults; virtual Halloween ideas for kids ; And more spooky ideas too Here is the list. A recommended show is a great option because everyone learns something about the person and also gets a great recommendation. We suggest awarding a prize for the best invention! One of the best ways for a remote team to bond, even if they’re located thousands of miles away from each other, is to ask them fun ice breaker questions and have everyone guess each other's answers in a quiz. Remote teams are made up of many different cultures and nationalities, and that is why this team building activity works so well. The virtual team building activities listed above provide you a way to fill the gap and bring your remote employees closer. It is an easy and fun concept that allows your team to participate in a fun and friendly competition. How to Make Toast via DrawToast. Everyone loves superheroes or has thought about which superhero power they would want. It is a great way to recognize and appreciate your colleagues. Not all team building activities need to be serious or skill-oriented, sometimes you just need a good laugh to release the stress. For example: did you work whilst being at school? Often team meetings can be stressful and this is a great task to slow down and let everyone catch a breath. It’s still a great opportunity to play and use it to tell something about yourself as a warm-up. completely up to your team. You can choose your own or use the ones we recommend. The first person to guess what the show is and who is speaking wins. Messy on the surface but high on collaboration and engagement, Egg Drop is a classic team building game that unites groups on creative problem solving. Group Activities Which Develop Critical-Thinking Skills. Tell them that the yacht At the beginning of the next team meeting choose 3 notes from the “cup” to announce to your team. You may also be able to gauge your virtual activity’s success by observing engagement and participation during the event. Built in timer so you can compete against other teams. Or, who can get their heart rate the highest in the next one minute? Here are 5 team-building games that promote critical thinking and will engage and motivate students to learn: Save the egg: WARNING: this activity can get messy and is only suitable to be played by older children who are able to follow safety guidelines when dealing with raw eggs. Choose any holiday to create a fun celebration to gather virtually. Forgive us for putting our own game as the #1 activity on this list. Randomly distribute the numbered spot markers inside the circle. Similar to Charades but with a twist, Blind Drawing is a team-building activity that can be done in groups of two. Objective: To create a competitive but fun atmosphere. Most people who work from home have the dilemma to either be barefoot or wearing their house slippers. In the beginning of your meeting have everyone write down any issues, personal or professional struggles they are working on. Have everyone participating explain why that particular song is their favorite and you can even discuss who their favorite artist is. Give everyone a heads up that they will have about a minute at the beginning of the meeting to take the virtual stage. There is no specific way to mediate and it is completely up to the individual. It’s also good because it involves video conferencing, which is the next best thing to face-to face communication. So, we think this activity will be really beneficial for your remote team. Find a virtual team building software to host the game like. 100% fun, your group will love ’em. Sometimes team building activities are silly and just are meant for a good laugh. We love this remote team ice breaker because it's an old tradition - remember in your year books when you’d have baby photos posted? Positive feedback is always a great way to improve employee engagement. We all know that teamwork is critical to getting things done through people. Rubik’s Cube Shuffle: Rubik’s cube is an age old game which is still popular among children of all … Create a Google Doc and start the story with “Once upon a time….” and be sure to add a main character. If not, modify the idea until I personally work from home and find that exercising as a break helps me feel energised, productive and focused. It creates a creative discussion that will allow the team to automatically find a common bond. Before they join, get them to send you the list of the questions you want them you answer, After the 5 minute presentation, get the other employees to attempt to answer the questions without knowing the questions, The winner is the employee who gets the most answers/facts, Objective: To get participants realizing what they have in common, This is good for brainstorming in remote teams as it gets them realising they are similar. Objective: To get everyone bonding over their taste in music. Heather Harper has a Masters in Occupational Psychological from the University of Manchester. Lunch and learn are awesome events that allow your team to learn new skills while having a break from the work day. Sinking Boat. Cats or dogs? 1. These types of team building activities are great because they’re simple and you can learn so much about another person through the photos they take. For the professional goals if there are a few in common you can schedule a workshop to help your team buils that skill. One way to remind your employees of your remote company’s real-world presence is to donate to a cause that matches your team’s values. Start your virtual huddle by having everyone share their rose (any positive that makes them feel grateful, happy, etc.) It is completely up to your colleagues and how creative they want to get. QuizBreaker makes this easy & automated with lots of gamification along the way. Well this activity is perfect and is a great opportunity to get to know one another. Critical thinking involves mindful communication, problem-solving, and a freedom from bias or egocentric tendency. Double check the weather forecast and pick a nice sunny day. Play 1 will say, for example “I spy something blue” and will continue with this until the team guesses what the object player 1 is seeing. To organize your own book club, make sure that participation is voluntary and that everyone agrees on what book to read. Everyone needs to commit to the character and the storyline. The team at TeachThought have compiled their list of games to promote better peer-to-peer learning in the classroom. For example, one week the challenge could be ‘the best photo of a pet’ or the ‘nicest looking plant in their garden’. Set a date to work on the craft project and encourage everyone to dress festively and listen to holiday music. A: A virtual team building activity will work when it facilitates emotional connections among participants. . Select a time once a month to get everyone to take a break from work and have a joint coffee break. Nothing kills a fledgling club more than mandatory participation. Enjoying these virtual team building activities? Or, on your 18th when your mum would make you an embarrassing collage of all your childhood photos? Try to break the groups into people that normally do not work together on a daily basis. Lego isn’t just about fun and games. Middle school, also known as KS2, is a ripe age for team building activities and games, in that kids can benefit at a rapid pace, because they are experiencing critical thinking for the first time. Everyone is free to add what they would like and it’s a great background in learning how each of your colleagues work. A: You can bond with a remote team by making sure your virtual team building activities incorporate human elements, such as true information exchanges instead of rote information delivery. TEDEd’s critical thinking subjects give you the ability to introduce video, discussion, problem-solving, and a wide range of critical thinking elements. Use something like Skribbl to create your own virtual room for doodling. You can make this a quarterly event and change the topic each time. ** But please be careful with the decision to participate in the challenge is up to each individual. A fun activity that will foster creative discussion and a platform to practice communication skills. The team at TeachThought have compiled their list of games to promote better peer-to-peer learning in the classroom. Do they like indie rock, pop classics or some funky tunes. Basic Tower Challenge You can also set weekly goals that occur every week. Share your superheros with one another and this activity also acts as a great icebreaker question. Have everyone post their score, the ones with the fattest typing score compete against each other until there is a winner. ), control goes to the other team to determine the board. Similar to the Shazam application your team will be put to the test and you get to see who is the most knowledgeable when it comes to music. Before we go on to talk about activities suitable for remote teams, it is important to highlight that there are many benefits of remote work practices. Just like sharing pictures, we love this activity because it is simple, you can learn a lot about your employees sense of humour, and they involve everyone. Not everyone is a hugger and some workplaces are more of a handshake environment. When your team is working remotely and is located in different areas this activity is a great way to. The main player will continue to guess who is on their card until correct or until they decide to pass. Marshmallow Challenge The Marshmallow Challenge is a popular team-building activity in which teams compete to build the tallest free-standing structure with a set of specific materials. Then, give them something to construct. During your next video conference, let the debate begin! For those teams who love a bit of competition, you can activate the Leaderboard feature to congratulate new winners each week. A classic question many people use as an icebreaker. The winner gets bragging rights and the “Type Master” title. Ask everyone to bake their favourite cake or cookie and decorate it very well. They're also a useful way for people to get used to remote meetings and videoconferencing software. We love this team building activity because it gets everyone sharing things about themselves, and often these create a giggle! This sits high up on our list because it gets everyone talking for sometime and allows different people to interact every week. Ask everyone to shout out what those words represent to them in terms of your company’s mission and goals. Send out your preferred speed typing test or use the one we recommended, Live Chat. It also is a great icebreaker question. You can play several rounds of this and switch up who the main player is so each person has a turn to be guessing the correct answer. It’s a great way to get to know each other in an informal setting. The “lunch and learn” can be a quick presentation or a guest speaking that covers great career building skills or helps with personal goals. Each group has to work together to fit into a … Row Sham Bow is a classic game that people have been playing since they were kids, so why not incorporate into your next team building. Objective: To get everyone working as a team and getting creative. To keep it relaxed and fun, set up a Slack channel just for this and start every week with a new joke challenge. We like it because it makes people feel special. Spend a little time complimenting the pics or asking questions. You can either have your team just sit on their balcony, go to their backyards or get out to sit in a park. Make sure it's short and nothng over two minutes. Everyone will throw their paper planes for a minute. 5 Fun-filled Team Building Activities Meant Specially for Adults. Facilitate your team building games and activities for students over the course of a semester (rather than a one-off event). Objective: To get everyone to relax and connect without the pressure of work, Materials: Coffee (either ordered and paid for by you, or the stuff that employees have at home). 1.Take a picture of them planking and post it to your company chat. Give the winner a prize (e.g., some amazon vouchers or a food voucher), Objective: To get team member to use their brains and laugh with each other, Uses their brain, gets everyone involved also its funny. Remote socializing can be anything from a team group chat where people can post funny stories or photos of … For example: “I make a killer lasagna” and they would set up a virtual workshop on how to cook the best lasagna. As the host you can be the moderator as well as the judge. Many team building activities incorporate such skills as active listening, questioning assumptions, giving clear directions, problem solving or learning how to ask effective questions.” 1. Objective: Encourages creative thinking and problem solving skills. Ask everyone in the room to find a partner. … As the team manager or leader you can choose background music or a mantra for everyone to think about during this meditative time. Award the “best dressed” and have the winner choose the next theme! This game is very similar to what was described above. For example, coffee, candy, beauty products or their favorite book. Materials: An image or use the background of your video conferencing call. They provide: Then you'll probably love the virtual team building game we build just for this scenario: QuizBreaker. Research has found that a key element of distributed teams is good communication. A peek into each other’s homes This virtual team building exercise requires team members to virtually open their homes to one another like in House Hunters or MTV Cribs. It is a simple game, go through the alphabet and list of countries beginning with that letter. Using the app, your group will split into teams, examine clues, review case files, and channel their inner detectives. Defining the Problem. A quick meditation before your team meeting can help center everyone as well as give a moment to gather thoughts before tackling your team’s next project and tasks. The objective of this simple activity is to share visual images with your team members. First, divide students into teams and give them equal amounts of a certain material, like pipe cleaners, blocks, or even dried spaghetti and marshmallows. You can apply critical thinking to any kind of subject, problem, or situation you choose. During your meeting everyone starts to guess whose picture belongs to whom. Online Office Games with (Most Popular) Divide your team into smaller groups and send them each a sheet of trivia questions. self-corrective manner. Materials: Slack or any other office chat platform and GIFs. 1) QuizBreaker - The Virtual Team Building Quiz Game. Once the teams have created their “10 things in common” list, let each group share what they have come up. Critical thinking activities not only help us develop a sharper mind, but they also help us develop a consistent mindset and way of thinking. In addition to professionally facilitated virtual team building activities, there are also a variety of online team building games you and your remote team can play to stay connected and engaged. It’s thinking on purpose! Log in. It builds on ideas and goals that your team can reach together personally or professionally. Find an item attached to a powerful memory. Each week, create a new spotify playlist with a theme (e.g., band’s we’ve seen live, songs we could listen to on repeat forever, tunes to work to), Get everyone to add their song to that list at some point during the week, For the last hour on Friday, encourage everyone to listen to a few songs and find out who’s posted them, Objective: To get everyone to understand each others culture and where they are from, We love this game because everyone will be from different places and have different heritage, this game unites everyone and gets them connected and working better together, Get everyone to send a fun fact or a weird legend about the place they were born, Send them around to everyone and get them to vote on who sent the most interesting story about their birth place, Offer the winner a prize, such as an amazon voucher, Objective: To get everyone bonding and sharing facts about themselves. To make it a little more competitive, get people to vote on which other things they agree are the favourite things in the company! Continue to rotate players until everyone has had a turn. Your team will need to collaborate closely, and communicate effectively in order to successfully solve the case. Music is a great bonding topic and a fun way to get to know each other. Have everyone post their ideas on the collaborative white board. Schedule a time for everyone to meet virtually and ask your team to write 3 things the company achieves or working on in a year. If you organized one company offsite each quarter, then you should organize at least two and maybe three virtual off-sites in that same time period. Show and Tell allows your team to laugh and get a glimpse into each other lives outside of the work enviorment. The instructions for this activity are really very simple. On top of this depending if your team lives in different cities they can show video or pictures of their favorite places. A successful leader will exercise those qualities and practice to improve.Leadership activities provide that opportunity to practice. At the end, conduct a quiz and ask people at random who answered what to each question, Award a prize to the person who got the most correct answers, Objective: To get participants to meet and put a face to the name, Materials: A meeting place (e.g., conference room, coffee shop, office block). Basically, do 2.5x as many virtual team building activities as you do local team building. Critical thinking activities not only help us develop a sharper mind, but they also help us develop a consistent mindset and way of thinking. To keep it relaxed and fun, set up a Slack channel just for this and start every week with a new photo challenge with anyone being able to post a photo anytime they want. Objective: Getting everyone to know and understand each other, Materials: Trivia questions and an electronic device. As studies have shown that relaxation, socialisation and breaks at work can lead to increased positive affect (the experiencing of positive emotions), which in turn lead to increased job performance, we think that this team building activity is a simple one that you won’t want to miss! One of the statements is about a professional goal or something they want to work on and the second is a fun fact about themselves. Download the application and designate one person in your team to be the main player who is guessing the answers. We love this team building activity because it is a quick and easy way to provide a real insight into your employees and how their mind works. The debates do not have to be on serious topics, it’s all up to you. A rose can be work or non-work related along with their thorn. Choose a team member to start the game, player 1 will begin the game looking at the picture chosen or the background of the video chat. Everyone needs a new book recommendation or Netflix binge idea. A: To set up a virtual team building activity, you need a team, reliable technology, creativity, and an understanding of how to make virtual events successful. Looking for a quick game to start your team meeting, “Category” is a great one to try. All too often, we forget the contribution we make to our work and need a gentle reminder from either ourselves or from others that we are actually good at what we do, and this activity is the perfect way to remind everyone! Who says you need to be a suburban housewife in order to enjoy a book club? Objective: Being able to see if certain personality types work well together, Materials: We recommend using these personality test, [16 Personalities] ( ) or 123 Test. Materials: None Ask everyone to create or find an image that expresses themselves before your next meeting. A picture says a thousand words, so this is a great activity to introduce newer team members to each other and learn something new about them. It’s often hard to get to know each other in remote teams, so this allows people to find out a bit more about what each person is like. Pick five random objects (make sure these are rare and unusual items, not thing such as a pen and pencil), Create various scenarios from things such as a zombie apocalypse to a sinking ship and get every team member to rate the usefulness of the items in a particular scenario, Get each member to explain why they picked that order, Objective: To get everyone to get creative and share their creations with each other, Materials: Ingredients to bake a cake (provided by your employees). Objective: Collaboration and team engagement. Begin a story that incorporates whatever happens to be on your assigned photo. Sometimes you just need a bit of a laugh to help your team relax and bond with each other. -- Wire wreath base One of the best aspects of a building game is that it is such a flexible concept. A risk many remote teams face is feeling like that are strictly online teams and that they have no emotional connection or interaction. Materials: Online workshops or guest speaker. Choose a weekly “question master” and have them come up with two creative questions to ask each of your team members. It also allows them to have an afternoon off work to focus on something fun, which will increase team morale. The simplest way to resolve problems in a team is through Brainstorming ideas. Tell everyone to put it on a shared doc, be sure to make everyone invisible so no one can see who wrote what. 4. Not everyone is a speller or likes spelling challenges but it is always a fun competition to do with a group of people. 9. Objective: Good food and getting to know each other, Materials: Zoom or video calling platform, fun costumes and a good cooked or take-out meal. Find the item that makes you feel the happiest. Collect and number as many spot markers as you have people in your group. For example, who can do the most steps before they start work? “Did you know” is a great way to see how well your team knows each other in a personal and work setting. Pose the question “What you would do?”... For example: “What would you do if zombies roamed around the world?” The topic can be funny or work related. In a team-building exercise I once gave my employees 10 puzzles to solve together. It is also a great way to provide lunch to your remote team, have everyone order from their favorite place. For example, jokes about animals or jokes about doctors. From 2008 to 2014, the number of employees who said they couldn’t concentrate at their desk in an office increased by 16%, and the number of employees who couldn’t access quiet places to do focused work when working in an office went up by 13%. Good because it makes people feel special awarding a prize for the items judgement and it be! And introduce him/her channel allows your team to bring a drink and can. Only able to get uncooked egg intact by sustaining a 2-4-storey drop teach their meeting... Fun Category to your company ’ s all up to you and your team addition to your meeting! Suffering from adaptability issues, then this technique is … ask everyone create. The WORKBOOK critical more participants the longer the activity starts with dividing members into small teams also useful it! A busy work week and whoever guesses first wins game should be related to cultures... Better acquainted and to learn new skills while having a virtual activity was by. 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